Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Recipe Roundup

I honestly don’t know what we all did before we could get recipes on the internet.  Don’t get me wrong, I love cookbooks and I own a ton of them but it’s so great to be able to find thousands of recipes online whenever I want them.  This Thanksgiving I was looking around for some interesting dessert recipes to try.  My sister doesn't like pie so I always try to make something that she will eat.  And I also wanted to try something new.  So here are the recipes I tried and how they turned out for me.

Cranberry Crumble Bars

I loved this recipe!  The bars were super easy to make.  I used the canned cranberry sauce and they came together really quickly.  I didn't read the pan preparation instructions very carefully so I didn't notice the whole bit about using butter and parchment paper until after the bars were already in the oven. I just gave the pan a quick spray with PAM.  Whoops!  They still came out perfectly though so I think there is enough butter in the dough to help them not stick.

Pumpkin Tiramisu

This recipe was not as much of a success.  I loved the idea of it because I’m a huge fan of pumpkin and my family all loves tiramisu.  But it just didn't work as well as I’d have liked it to.  First, I found it impossible to find lady fingers anywhere.  I did a quick search online for substitutions and read that I could use pound cake instead.  Then while I was making it, I was really worried about it tasting good.  I tasted each layer as I made it and wasn't loving how it all tasted.  I put it together anyway and hoped that an overnight stay in the fridge would help everything come together.  And it did mostly.  The layers tasted much better together than separately, but I still thought the balance was off.  In my opinion it needed much more cake and much less filling.  So next time I make it I’ll play around with the ratios.  Also, I thought 1 tsp of cinnamon was way too much. And I love cinnamon.  I’ll cut it in half next time.

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