Event 1:
My friend who is in a union for work received a packet of tomato seeds. The seeds were supposed to represent that if the union couldn't reach some sort of agreement successfully the employees would all be 'reduced' to growing their own food.
Event 2:
This article http://www.gardenrant.com/my_weblog/2012/05/one-rises-another-falls.html
I really like this blog. They are really serious about gardening and very dedicated. I can only hope be be such a good gardener someday.
The part of this article that really struck me though was that it is mentioned several times that gardening is something that people get into more as they get older.
Event 3:
My sister is moving into my grandma's old house very shortly. There is a big yard that she will not be using most of so I requested that I could plant a small pumpkin patch there. This is apparently very embarrassing to my sister and she said she would have to explain it to her friends and make sure they knew it was my pumpkin patch and not hers.
So what should I make of these events? Is gardening actually lame and I just didn't realize it? I'm going to go with 'no'. Thanks to Al Gore it has become trendy to care about the environment. And thanks to Whole Foods it has also become cool to eat local, healthy, organic food. And nothing is more local than what comes from your own garden. And for me personally, even tending to my own small garden gives me a sense of peace and accomplishment which is priceless.
I'm sure there will always be people around my age who would rather pull out their own teeth than pull weeds in a garden. But I won't share my zucchini bread with them. Just kidding, of course I'll share. Because gardeners are awesome!
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